Asphalt Vs Concrete Driveways: Facts To Know
ShareWhen you are a homeowner, there are many things that you need to work on and think about with regards to your home. And if your driveway has become unsightly because of all of the cracks and damage done to it over time, you may be looking to put in a new driveway. However, you may be stumped as to whether you should put in an asphalt or a concrete driveway. Get to know some of the important facts about asphalt versus concrete for your driveway material. Then, you can better decide which is the right option for you and your home.
There Is a Big Difference in the Time of Curing
One of the factors to consider when choosing your driveway material is the time that the material takes to cure (dry and harden). When it comes to asphalt, the curing process happens almost immediately and you will be able to drive and walk on the surface almost immediately after the driveway is done being paved. This is certainly a convenience factor to keep in mind when choosing your material.
In contrast, concrete can take quite a while to cure. In fact, it is often recommended you wait a full week (7 days) to drive on the surface. Otherwise there would be cracks and sinking on the surface of your concrete driveway. If you have other places to park your cars that are convenient, the week-long curing process may not be a deciding factor for you and your driveway.
Prices Vary as Well
Another highly important factor to consider when choosing your driveway material is, of course, the cost. When it comes to the cost of the materials, asphalt is the lower-cost option. In some cases, concrete could be as much as double the cost of asphalt. So if you're looking to save money, asphalt is the better option.
They Both Can Last a Long Time
With proper care and maintenance, both concrete and asphalt can be enduring and long-lasting materials. For asphalt, the driveway will generally last about 10-20 years. For concrete driveways, the longevity is about 20-30 years.
Now, that is still a significant difference. As such, if you plan to live in your home for upwards of 30 or more years, concrete may be the better investment because it can last much longer than an asphalt driveway will. This, in some ways, makes up for the extra costs of materials.
With this information about asphalt and concrete driveways, you can settle on a material and contact your paving contractor right away to get your new driveway installed as soon as possible.